Week 2 chat

Hey Hockney

Hope you all had a lovely weekend! I tried to do some gardening but realised I dont have any plants! Make sure you comment below about how you spent your weekend.

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8 Responses to Week 2 chat

  1. elsth says:

    for some reason i want to plant cabbages in my garden but for a start i dont have any seeds! i hope you had a lovely weekend miss hill! 🙂

  2. elsth says:

    miss hill, did you know teachers can give people stars on j2stars? you can also make an avatar! i think its cool.

  3. elsth says:


  4. smitw says:

    Hi Miss Hill,
    You tricked me grrrr with the word searches. my mum and dad tricked me with a spagetti tree. we uploaded the picture to the shared file. yours sincerely William Smith

  5. majoe says:

    Hi Miss Hill,
    My mum went to the shops and bout plants you can plant at home theres pepper, pansy,viola and micro cress.
    Theres 9 in total.All the best Evelyn

  6. majoe says:

    Why did you try planting you ALWAYS need seeds!!!

  7. majoe says:

    This is for everyone if you go on tools on webby press feedback and you can say what you like and what they can improve on.All the best Evelyn

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